PKR talking to PAS on dropping stance: Karpal
Kong See Hoh
PETALING JAYA (May 11, 2008): DAP chairman Karpal Singh has disclosed that Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is trying to talk PAS into giving up its Islamic state ideology.
He said the Islamic state ideology as espoused by PAS is a big obstacle to cooperation among the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) component parties. He did not discount the possibility that the Islamic state issue may prompt DAP to again leave the opposition alliance.
Karpal, who is the Bukit Gelugor MP, told Nanyang Siang Pau in an interview the Federal Constitution clearly says Malaysia is a secular state.
Former prime ministers Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tun Hussein Onn had also stated that Malaysia is a secular state, he said.
He said PAS has stated that "should the party come to power (at the federal level), it would declare Malaysia an Islamic state".
"Based on this point, PAS accepts the fact that Malaysia, at present, is not an Islamic state," he said.
"PAS needs to obtain two-thirds majority in the parliament as well as amend the constitution in order to fulfill its Islamic state ideology."
Karpal Singh said PR is a good front with potential to obtain even better results in the next general election.
As such, PAS should stop making remarks on Islamic state.
He also said PAS cannot regard itself as the backbone of PR as it has only 23 parliamentary seats, whereas PKR and DAP have 31 and 28, respectively.
"PR is at its infancy stage and there is lot more work to do, such as fighting for the abolition of the Internal Security Act and other draconian laws," he said.
"As such, PAS should put more efforts in these areas and be mindful of their remarks to avoid giving the public the impression that PR is in a mess."
Karpal Singh also said DAP does not accept the party-hopping culture, adding that PR should not use party-hopping to strengthen itself but wait for another four years to show its strength.
He said party-hopping is a betrayal of the voters' trust and if PR accepts party-hoppers, one day it will also be betrayed.
Anwar has said PR will get enough MPs to cross over from BN to form the next federal government by Sept 16 (Malaysia Day) or earlier.
Karpal Singh said he personally does not agree with any move by PR to form the federal government with the help of party-hoppers.
"A political party must have integrity, otherwise it will lose the people's trust," he said.
Sumber: Sun2Surf
Hah, ternyata PAS yang mengkafirkan UMNO, mengkafirkan nenek aku yang berjuang sebelum merdeka lagi, mengkafirkan ahli-ahli UMNO tak tentu pasal, sekarang PAS ikut telunjuk kafir harbi. Sekarang PAS dicucuk2 punggung supaya ikut cakap si harbi2 ni. Malah yang negotiate untuk buang dasar "perjuangan" mereka iaitu Negara Islam adalah Melayu Islam sendiri yang dikhuatiri dimana kedudukannya iaitu si Anwar Ibrahim. Dia ni lagi dah macam kene ikat tali lembu kat leher boleh diheret je kemane2 oleh si harbi2 ni kerana ketamakan KUASA.
Di bawah adalah artikel yang sama cuma ada ulasan yang dibuat diselang setiap perenggan. Saya ambil dari Pembela Melayu:
PKR talking to PAS on dropping stance: Karpal
Kong See Hoh
PETALING JAYA (May 11, 2008):
DAP chairman Karpal Singh has disclosed that Parti Keadilan Rakyat PKR) de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is trying to talk PAS into giving up its Islamic state ideology. He said the Islamic state ideology as espoused by PAS is a big obstacle to cooperation among the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) component parties. He did not discount the possibility that the Islamic state issue may prompt DAP to again leave the opposition alliance.
Karpal, who is the Bukit Gelugor MP, told Nanyang Siang Pau in an interview the Federal Constitution clearly says
Malaysia is a secular state.
Pengerusi DAP, Karpal Singh mendedahkan bahawa Ketua Umum PKR, Anwar Ibrahim akan menghasut PAS supaya membuang terus konsep Negara Islam dalam sebagai asas perjuangan mereka. Jika benar Anwar akan melakukan perkara sedemikian, maka tidak jatuhkah hukum kafir ke atas Anwar seperti yang pernah dilakukan oleh mana-mana orang Islam yang cuba menolak konsep negara Islam ala PAS?
Begitulah lantangnya seorang Tuan Guru baru PAS yang bersuara mendakwa bahawa Perlembagaan Negara menyatakan Malaysia adalah Negara Sekular.
He said PAS has stated that “should the party come to power (at the federal level), it would declare Malaysia an Islamic state”.
“Based on this point, PAS accepts the fact that Malaysia, at present, is not an Islamic state,” he said.“PAS needs to obtain two-thirds majority in the parliament as well as amend the constitution in order to fulfill its
Islamic state ideology.”
Rakyat Melayu Islam Malaysia sememangnya tahu bahawa PAS tidak pernah menerima konsep Negara Islam yang dilaungkan oleh pemimpin UMNO. PAS masih menganggap Malaysia adalah negara sekular meskipun banyak gerakan dan pembaharuan Islam yang telah dijalankan di Malaysia sejak merdeka.
Nampaknya Karpal juga telah memperli PAS apabila mengatakan PAS perlu sendirian menang 2/3 kerusi Parlimen untuk membentuk Negara Islam. DAP sememangnya sanggup tinggalkan Pakatan Rakyat jika PAS nakkan Negara Islam kerana bagi DAP ialah menghapuskan 3 perkara yang diperjuangkan oleh UMNO iaitu:
1. Hak Keistimewaan Melayu
2. Ketuanan Melayu
3. Negara Islam (mungkin tidak sama seperti PAS tetapi tetap ada)
Tetapi, saya ingin melihat adakah PAS masih tidak sanggup meninggalkan Pakatan Rakyat setelah dihemtam dan diherdik berkali-kali oleh DAP Karpal Singh mengenai konsep Negara Islam ini. Jika PAS sanggup terus bersekongkol dengan DAP, maka segala-gala yang boleh kita banggakan mengenai Malaysia akan tergadai begitu sahaja. Malah, DAP akan terus bebas menjalankan agenda jahat dan keji mereka untuk memundurkan umat Islam Melayu serta menindas agama Islam.
Jika kafir harbi yang dipelukcium oleh PAS ini tidak dapat menerima negara Islam yang dikonsepkan oleh UMNO yang lebih fleksible, bagaimanakah mereka dapat menerima konsep negara Islam PAS yang lebih ketat?
Karpal Singh said PR is a good front with potential to obtain even better results in the next general election.As such, PAS should stop making remarks on Islamic state.
He also said PAS cannot regard itself as the backbone
of PR as it has only 23 parliamentary seats, whereas PKR and DAP have
31 and 28, respectively.
Wahai pemimpin dan pengikut serta penyokong PAS, sampai bila baru anda hendak sedar bahawa DAP harbi itu hanya memperkudakan kamu. Adakah kamu hendak tunggu sehingga segala-galanya tergadai kepada kafir harbi ini baru kamu hendak sedar?
Wahai bangsa Melayu Islam, bangkit dan sedarlah bahawa gerakan melemahkan Islam dan bangsa Melayu sedang giat dijalankan oleh DAP kafir harbi ini. Bangkitlah bangsaku demi AGAMA ISLAM.
“PR is at its infancy stage and there is
lot more work to do, such as fighting for the abolition of the Internal
Security Act and other draconian laws,” he said.
“As such, PAS should put more efforts in these areas
and be mindful of their remarks to avoid giving the public the
impression that PR is in a mess.”
Karpal Singh also said DAP does not accept the
party-hopping culture, adding that PR should not use party-hopping to
strengthen itself but wait for another four years to show its strength.
He said party-hopping is a betrayal of the voters’ trust and if PR accepts party-hoppers, one day it will also be betrayed.
Anwar has said PR will get enough MPs to cross over
from BN to form the next federal government by Sept 16 (Malaysia Day)
or earlier.
Karpal Singh said he personally does not agree with
any move by PR to form the federal government with the help of
“A political party must have integrity, otherwise it will lose the people’s trust,” he said.